
Barbara Romeril, BSc, Grad Dip (Community Development), MA (Social Policy).


Australian Evaluation Society
Victorian Council of Social Services
Community Child Care Association of Victoria
Australian Community Children’s Services

The formation of Barbara Romeril Consulting in 2015 is the culmination of 30 years of experience in the community services sector, in service delivery organisations, government and peak bodies.

My consultancy services are informed by 20 years of working in organisational leadership at CEO level and underpinned by governance experience on several Boards and my post-graduate education in community development and social policy.

For more than 10 years I delivered consultancy services as an employee and am now working independently to support other leaders in the community services sector – see details of my recent consultancy projects.

Self employment has freed me up to pursue independent research, focussed on community service hubs and distilling the learnings from the Australian experience.

I have had the opportunity to develop advocacy skills, acting as a media spokesperson and making formal presentations to all levels of Government – see these examples to Federal government and the Victorian Government.

All of my work is heavily based on strong values:

  • Clarity, transparency and accountability
  • Courage to stand up for social justice, equality of opportunity, community empowerment and inclusion
  • Participatory decision making, learning from each other
  • High quality work, on time and within budget